Rebuild Malvern Hills Pool!

Write City Council Now!

We now have clear support from members of City Council to rebuild the pool. Councilwoman Sage Turner is proposing to make a commitment to rebuild Malvern Hills Pool a conditon of any Parks Bond referendum that will be on the ballot this November. By committing to rebuild the pool with Bond Funds,  we would see a renewed Malvern Hills Pool open for years to come. 

But we need EVERYONE who supports the pool to take action with our email campaign below. Even if you've already written to council, now is the time to write them ONCE MORE, hopefully one last time, to encourage them to support renewing the pool by voting YES on a Parks Bond resolution that commits to rebuilding Malvern Hills Pool. We need you to help us! 

Request a Yard Sign or T-Shirt!

Click here to request a yard sign or t-shirt.
Say it loud and proud and spread the word!

What City Council Candidates Say about Rebuilding the Pool

We've asked current City Council candidates if they support rebuilding Malvern Hills Pool and what path forward they would recommend to see it rebuilt.

Here are their responses.

History of Malvern Hills Pool

Malvern Hills Park opened as Horney Heights Park in 1922. Construction on the pool began in 1934 and was completed the next year using federal New Deal funding. City officials formally dedicated the park, pool, and bathhouse to the community on June 15, 1936.

In 1970, new walls were placed in the pool which reduced its size by seven inches. The same year, a filtration system was installed. Prior to this, the pool was drained and refilled once a week to ensure clean water. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)’s Open Space program funded extensive improvements in 1973 including a complete remodel of the bathhouse, and additional deck space around the pool.

City and neighborhood leaders at the opening of Malvern Hills Pool, June 15 1936.

Young women awaiting the opening of the pool, June 15, 1936.